Hi everyone,
We at HEK Yeah Media hope you are all doing well. Staying safe and healthy.
With B.C.’s reopening phase well underway, we are now in phase three, we hope that things are starting to head in a positive direction for your business. The other day we were speaking with a business person who told us there are businesses struggling. It will be a challenge with a limit of how many people your business can serve, especially depending on size. As a new business, we are having to take a patient approach with potential clients expressing interest, but working with limited budgets. As we work hard to gain new clients, we are focused on helping our current clients meet their needs and goals the best we can.
One of the things we have recently done is signed up for a digital marketing conference. The organizers of Social West in Calgary created an online event called #SocialatHome to offer as an alternative learning experience. We decided it would be beneficial for us to do this webinar to get great ideas to benefit our clients. We are always looking for ways to do things better.
Which leads me to ask a question.
Did you know your business website can be a valuable tool when it comes to promoting what you do?
It seems obvious doesn’t it. Yet there are many businesses that don’t utilize their website.

It can be especially valuable to plan your social media and the type of information you want to make available in your posts. Based on the content available on your website, social media content plans can be created. This can be based on two to four content buckets from pages on your website. An example is our client Breakaway Brewing Company has a blog section on its website. One of the topics is What’s on Tap
. This is updated with information on new beers available.
We would then create a post about this blog and do it in a way that it will entice people to share it. Sharing posts is a type of metric, also called a key performance indicator. As you plan your social media posts, it is important to define a goal for the content/platform with a metric.
This sounds like a bit of work doesn’t it? It does take time and planning to create social media posts to accomplish the goal you want. It’s probably time that unfortunately you simply don’t have. After all, you have a business to run.
Don’t stress. Don’t start pulling your hair out. This is where our team can help you. Reach out to our business development partner, Harpreet (harpreet@hekyeahmedia.com) to plan an initial meeting to learn about your needs. Our team can then create a plan to promote your business through social media once we know what your focuses are.
Feel free to email us at info@hekyeahmedia.com and drop us a note that you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter which is filled with social media tips and more.
Emanuel Sequeira
HEK Yeah Media, Content Specialist and Partner